# All-in-One Media Framework

VisioForge provides a set of Delphi/ActiveX libraries for video processing, playback, and capture called All-in-One Media Framework. These libraries are designed to help developers create video editing, playback, and capture applications.

You can find the following library help pages here:

# Libraries

# General Information

You can use ActiveX packages in many programming languages and development environments like Visual C++, Visual Basic, and C++ Builder. These packages help you add extra features to your software, making development faster and easier. By using ActiveX, you can reuse existing software components in your projects, improving efficiency and performance.

For Delphi users, our framework works with versions from Delphi 6 to Delphi 11 and later. This means you can use our framework whether you are working on older projects or creating new ones.

# x64 Support Limitations

Starting with Delphi XE2, you can create 64-bit applications. Our framework supports these 64-bit apps, allowing you to use the full power of modern computers and handle larger memory.

Microsoft Visual Basic 6 does not support 64-bit applications. If you are using Visual Basic 6, you will need to use the 32-bit version of our framework. This is because VB6 was made before 64-bit computing became common.

For more information about the framework, visit the All-in-One Media Framework (Delphi/ActiveX) product page.