Windows deployment
Products: Video Capture SDK .Net, Video Edit SDK .Net, Media Player SDK .Net, Media Blocks SDK .Net
SDK for Windows is distributed as a NuGet package. You can add the package to your project using Visual Studio, JetBrains Rider, or Visual Studio Code.
Install NuGet packages:
Base (required) package
Optional packages
FFMPEG codecs and formats (recommended)
Compressed (UPX) version is also available.
AWS source and output require the AWS NuGet package redist.
Media Block Names: AWSS3SourceBlock
, AWSS3SinkBlock
OpenCV processing
Media Blocks are located in the VisioForge.Core.MediaBlocks.OpenCV
namespace requires OpenCV binaries to be deployed with your application.
Names: CVDewarpBlock
, CVDilateBlock
, CVEdgeDetectBlock
, CVEqualizeHistogramBlock
, CVErodeBlock
, CVFaceBlurBlock
, CVFaceDetectBlock
, CVHandDetectBlock
, CVLaplaceBlock
, CVMotionCellsBlock
, CVSmoothBlock
, CVSobelBlock
, CVTemplateMatchBlock
, CVTextOverlayBlock
, CVTrackerBlock
Allied Vision cameras
The Allied Vision
source requires the special NuGet package to be deployed with your application.
Basler cameras
The Basler
source requires the custom NuGet package.
Teledyne/FLIR cameras
The Spinnaker
SDK source requires the custom NuGet package to be deployed.
GigE/USB3 Vision cameras using GenICam protocol
The GenICam
source requires the special NuGet package.