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FFMPEG.exe output

Products: Video Capture SDK .Net, Video Edit SDK .Net

Engines: VideoCaptureCore, VideoEditCore

This guide explains how to implement FFMPEG.exe output functionality in Windows environments using VisioForge's .NET SDKs. The integration supports both the Video Capture SDK .NET and Video Edit SDK .NET, VideoCaptureCore and VideoEditCore engines, respectively.

FFMPEG serves as a comprehensive multimedia framework that enables output to various video and audio formats. Its versatility comes from supporting multiple codecs and providing extensive customization options for both video and audio encoding.

Key Features

FFMPEG provides support for:

  • Multiple output formats (MP4, WebM, AVI, WMV, and more)
  • Various video and audio codecs with customizable encoding parameters
  • Hardware acceleration through:
    • Intel QuickSync

Implementation Guide

1. Initialize FFMPEG Output

First, create an FFMPEGEXEOutput object to handle the output configuration:

var ffmpegOutput = new FFMPEGEXEOutput();

2. Configure Output Format

Set the desired output container format:

ffmpegOutput.OutputMuxer = OutputMuxer.MP4;

3. Video Encoder Configuration

Configure your video encoding settings based on your requirements. Here's an example using H.264:

var videoEncoder = new H264MFSettings();
ffmpegOutput.Video = videoEncoder;

Available Video Encoder Options:

Hardware-Accelerated Encoders:

  • AMD GPU: H264AMFSettings (H.264) and HEVCAMFSettings (HEVC)
  • NVIDIA GPU: H264NVENCSettings (H.264) and HEVCNVENCSettings (HEVC)
  • Intel QuickSync: H264QSVSettings (H.264) and HEVCQSVSettings (HEVC)

CPU-Based Encoders:

  • H.264: H264MFSettings and X264Settings
  • HEVC: X265Settings
  • MPEG-2: MPEG2Settings

Note: x264/x265 encoders require GPL FFMPEG builds with appropriate codec support.

4. Audio Encoder Configuration

Configure your audio encoding settings:

var audioEncoder = new BasicAudioSettings
Bitrate = 192000, // 192 kbps
Channels = 2, // Stereo
SampleRate = 44100, // 44.1 kHz
Encoder = AudioEncoder.AAC,
Mode = AudioMode.CBR

ffmpegOutput.Audio = audioEncoder;

The available audio encoders can be found in the VisioForge.Core.Types.FFMPEGEXE.AudioEncoder enumeration.

5. Final Configuration and Execution

Apply the settings and start the processing:

// Apply format settings
core.Output_Format = ffmpegOutput;

// Set operation mode
core.Mode = VideoCaptureMode.VideoCapture; // For Video Capture SDK
// core.Mode = VideoEditMode.Convert; // For Video Edit SDK

// Set output path
core.Output_Filename = "output.mp4";

// Begin processing
await core.StartAsync();

Required Dependencies

To ensure proper functionality, install the following NuGet packages based on your target architecture:

Video Capture SDK .Net:

Video Edit SDK .Net:


Additional Resources

For more code samples and implementation examples, visit our GitHub repository.