WMV file output
Products: Video Capture SDK .Net, Video Edit SDK .Net
WMV (Windows Media Video): Developed by Microsoft, WMV is a series of video codecs and their corresponding video coding formats. WMV is commonly used for streaming applications on the Windows platform.
To capture video in WMV format using Video Capture SDK .Net, you need to configure video output format using WMVOutput. Windows Media Video supports several codecs for video and audio streams. Usually, the v9 version of codecs should be used. Use the dialog to set settings in UI or set settings in code.
The same sample code can be used for Video Edit SDK .Net. Use the VideoEditCore class instead of VideoCaptureCore.
Sample code
Create WMVOutput object for WMV capture
var wmvOutput = new WMVOutput();
Set WMV settings using the settings dialog
WMVSettingsDialog wmvSettingsDialog = new WMVSettingsDialog(VideoCapture1.Core);
wmvSettingsDialog.WMA = false;
wmvSettingsDialog.SaveSettings(ref wmvOutput);
Set WMV settings using an external profile
wmvOutput.Mode = WMVMode.ExternalProfile;
wmvOutput.External_Profile_FileName = edWMVProfile.Text;
Set custom output WMV mode
You can enumerate video and audio codecs available in your OS, set them for WMV output, and set profile, quality, and other settings.
TODO: Code sample
Apply WMV capture settings
1. Set WMV format for output
VideoCapture1.Output_Format = wmvOutput;
2. Set video capture mode and file name (be sure that you have to write access rights)
VideoCapture1.Mode = VideoCaptureMode.VideoCapture;
VideoCapture1.Output_Filename = "output.wmv";
3. Start capture (sync or async)
await VideoCapture1.StartAsync();
Required redists
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