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Image overlay

Products: Video Capture SDK .Net, Media Player SDK .Net, Video Edit SDK .Net

Engines: VideoCaptureCore, MediaPlayerCore, VideoEditCore


This example demonstrates how to overlay an image on a video stream.

JPG, PNG, BMP, and GIF images are supported.

Sample code

Most simple image overlay with image added from a file with custom position:

 var effect = new VideoEffectImageLogo(true, "imageoverlay");
effect.Filename = @"logo.png";
effect.Left = 100;
effect.Top = 100;


Transparent image overlay

SDK fully supports transparency in PNG images. If you want to set a custom transparency level, you can use the TransparencyLevel property with a range (0..255).

var effect = new VideoEffectImageLogo(true, "imageoverlay");
effect.Filename = @"logo.jpg";

effect.TransparencyLevel = 50;


Animated GIF overlay

You can overlay an animated GIF image on a video stream. The SDK will play the GIF animation in the overlay.

var effect = new VideoEffectImageLogo(true, "imageoverlay");
effect.Filename = @"animated.gif";

effect.Animated = true;
effect.AnimationEnabled = true;


Image overlay from System.Drawing.Bitmap

You can overlay an image from a System.Drawing.Bitmap object.

var effect = new VideoEffectImageLogo(true, "imageoverlay");
effect.MemoryBitmap = new Bitmap("logo.jpg");

Image overlay from RGB/RGBA byte array

You can overlay an image from RGB/RGBA data.

// add image logo
var effect = new VideoEffectImageLogo(true, "imageoverlay");

// load image from JPG file
var bitmap = new Bitmap("logo.jpg");

// lock bitmap data and save to byte data (IntPtr)
var bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
var pixels = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(bitmapData.Stride * bitmapData.Height);
NativeAPI.CopyMemory(pixels, bitmapData.Scan0, bitmapData.Stride * bitmapData.Height);

// set data to effect
effect.Bitmap = pixels;

// set bitmap properties
effect.BitmapWidth = bitmap.Width;
effect.BitmapHeight = bitmap.Height;
effect.BitmapDepth = 3; // RGB24

// free bitmap

// add effect

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