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MPEG-PS output

MPEG-PS (MPEG Program Stream): A standard format for storing video, audio, and metadata multiplexed into a single stream. It is widely used in systems and applications requiring synchronized audio and video playback, such as DVDs.

Use the constructor to set the output file name.

Block info

Name: MPEGPSSinkBlock.

Pin directionMedia typePins count
Input audioaudio/mpeg [1,2,4]one or more
Input videovideo/mpeg [1,2,4]one or more

The sample pipeline

Sample code

var pipeline = new MediaBlocksPipeline();

var filename = "test.mp4";
var fileSource = new UniversalSourceBlock(await UniversalSourceSettings.CreateAsync(new Uri(filename)));

var aacEncoderBlock = new AACEncoderBlock(new MFAACEncoderSettings() { Bitrate = 192 });
pipeline.Connect(fileSource.AudioOutput, aacEncoderBlock.Input);

var h264EncoderBlock = new H264EncoderBlock(new OpenH264EncoderSettings());
pipeline.Connect(fileSource.VideoOutput, h264EncoderBlock.Input);

var tsSinkBlock = new MPEGPSSinkBlock(@"output.mpg");
pipeline.Connect(h264EncoderBlock.Output, tsSinkBlock.CreateNewInput(MediaBlockPadMediaType.Video));
pipeline.Connect(aacEncoderBlock.Output, tsSinkBlock.CreateNewInput(MediaBlockPadMediaType.Audio));

await pipeline.StartAsync();


Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android.