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How to get a specific frame from a video file?

Products: Media Player SDK .Net

Using the classic Windows-only SDK engines

You can use the Helpful_GetFrameFromFile method of VisioForge.Core.VideoEdit.VideoEditCore or VisioForge.Core.MediaPlayer.MediaPlayerCore classes.

Using the new cross-platform X-engine

Use the MediaInfoReaderX class to get the current video frame as an image. The frame will be decoded and returned as a System.Drawing.Bitmap, SKBitmap, or RGB byte array.

Get the frame as a System.Drawing.Bitmap.

var bitmap = MediaInfoReaderX.GetFileSnapshotBitmap("C:\\video.mp4", TimeSpan.Zero);

Get the frame as a SkiaSharp SKBitmap.

var bitmap = MediaInfoReaderX.GetFileSnapshotSKBitmap("C:\\video.mp4", TimeSpan.Zero);

Get the frame as an RGB byte array.

var bitmap = MediaInfoReaderX.GetFileSnapshotRGB("C:\\video.mp4", TimeSpan.Zero);

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