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Deployment of Media Player SDK .Net

Products: Media Player SDK .Net

MediaPlayerCoreX engine (cross-platform)

Check the main Deployment page.

MediaPlayerCore engine (Windows-only)

To use SDK on a PC without SDK installed, you must deploy SDK components. For the AnyCPU app, you should deploy both x86 and x64 redists.

NuGet redist packages

Add required packages to your application project. After the project build, you'll have redist package files in your app folder.

  • SDK redist base package (always required) - x86 | x64
  • Media Player SDK redist package (always required) - x86 | x64
  • FFMPEG package (file playback using FFMPEG source mode) - x86 | x64
  • MP4 output package - x86 | x64
  • VLC source package (for file / IP camera source) - x86 | x64
  • WebM output package - x86
  • XIPH formats (Ogg, Vorbis, FLAC) output/source - x86 | x64
  • LAV filters - x86 | x64

Automatic (silent) installers (admin rights required)

  • Base package (always required) - x86 | x64
  • Install .Net assemblies to GAC | use in a local folder
  • FFMPEG package (for file / IP camera source) - x86 | x64
  • VLC source package (for file / IP camera source) - x86 | x64
  • XIPH formats (Ogg, Vorbis, FLAC) output/source - x86 | x64
  • LAV filters - x86 | x64

To uninstall the package, call the "exe" with admin rights with the following parameters: "/x //".

Manual installation

With admin rights

  1. Install VC++ 2022 (v143) runtime (x86 and/or x64 versions) and OpenMP runtime DLLs using exe redist or MSM modules
  2. Copy VisioForge_MFP/VisioForge_MFPX (or x64 versions) DLLs from Redist\Filters to the app folder
  3. Copy .Net assemblies to an app folder or install them to the GAC
  4. Copy and COM-register (using regsvr32.exe or any other way) SDK DirectShow filters
  5. Add the folder with filters to the system environment variable PATH if your application "exe" file is in another folder

Without admin rights

  1. Copy VC++ 2022 (v143) runtime (x86 and/or x64 versions) and OpenMP runtime DLLs to the app folder
  2. Copy VisioForge_MFP/VisioForge_MFPX (or x64 versions) DLLs from Redist\Filters to the app folder
  3. Copy .Net assemblies to the app folder or install them to GAC
  4. Copy SDK DirectShow filters to the app folder or optional redist folder (set CustomRedist_Path property to this folder)
  5. Set the CustomRedist\Enabled property to true in the "Form.Load" event
  6. LAV filters have the same name for the x64 and x86 versions. Please use one of them or use independent redist folders for x86 and x64 versions
  7. Add the folder with filters to the system environment variable PATH if your application "exe" file is in another folder


Basic features:


Legacy audio effects:


RTSP streaming:

  • filters for MP4 legacy/modern except muxer

SSF streaming:

  • filters for MP4 legacy/modern except muxer

VLC source:

  • Copy all files from the Redist\VLC folder, COM-register (using regsvr32.exe or any other way) .ax file, add environment variable VLC_PLUGIN_PATH, specify the value as VLC\plugins folder

FFMPEG source:

  • Copy all files from the Redist\FFMPEG folder, and add this folder to the Windows system PATH variable.

Memory source:


WebM decoding:


RTSP / RTMP / HTTP source:

  • FFMPEG, VLC or LAV filters

FLAC source:


Ogg Vorbis source:


Video encryption:


GPU video effects (DirectX 11)

  • Copy VisioForge_DXP.dll / VisioForge_DXP64.dll

LAV source:

  • Copy all files from the Redist\LAV\x86(x64), register all .ax files

To COM-register all DirectShow filters in some folder you can also put the "reg_special.exe" file from SDK redist to a folder with filters and run it with admin rights.

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