Audio capture to Ogg Vorbis file
Products: Video Capture SDK .Net
A completely open and patent-free audio compression format, Ogg Vorbis is known for its high-quality sound and efficiency in streaming. It's a popular alternative to proprietary codecs like MP3 and AAC, widely used in gaming, music streaming, and software applications.
Sample code
Set sample Ogg Vorbis settings and apply them as output format.
var vorbisOutput = new OGGVorbisOutput();
vorbisOutput.Quality = 80;
vorbisOutput.Mode = VorbisMode.Quality;
VideoCapture1.Output_Format = vorbisOutput;
Set audio capture mode.
VideoCapture1.Mode = VideoCaptureMode.AudioCapture;
Set the file name.
VideoCapture1.Output_Filename = "output.ogg";
Start capture (sync or async).
await VideoCapture1.StartAsync();
Required redists
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