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  • [X-engines] Resolved wrong aspect ratio with video resize effect/block
  • [X-engines] Updated GStreamer redist
  • [X-engines] Added Basler USB3/GigE cameras support in Media Blocks SDK .Net and Video Capture SDK .Net
  • [Windows] Added Stream support in MediaInfoReader. You can get the video/audio file information from a stream (DB, network, memory, etc.).
  • [X-engines] Updated Live Video Compositor engine, which improved support of the file sources
  • VideoCaptureCore: Added camera-covered detector into the Computer Vision Demo and the VisioForge.Core.CV package
  • [X-engines] Added API to get snapshots from video files using MediaInfoReaderX: GetFileSnapshotBitmap, GetFileSnapshotSKBitmap, GetFileSnapshotRGB
  • [X-engines] iOS support in MAUI samples
  • [X-engines] Resolved memory leak issue for RTSP sources
  • VideoCaptureCore: Added support for data streams in video files using the IP Capture FFMPEG source engine. Add the OnDataFrameBuffer event to get data frames (KLV or other) from the MPEG-TS UDP network stream or other supported source.
  • VideoCaptureCore: Added the FFMPEG_CustomOptions property to the IPCameraSourceSettings class. This property allows you to set custom FFMPEG options for the IP camera source
  • [Windows] Fixed the hang problem with the FFMPEG source when a network connection is lost
  • [X-engines] Added support for FLIR/Teledyne cameras (USB3Vision/GigE) using the Spinnaker SDK
  • .Net 7 support returned to the MAUI package (was removed by CI error).
  • The IAsyncDisposable interface was added to all SDK's core classes. DisposeAsync call should be used to dispose of the core objects in async methods.
  • VideoCaptureCoreX: Resolved issues with Android video capture (sometimes started only one time)
  • VideoCaptureCore: Resolved crash if the multiscreen is enabled and screens added as window's handles (WinForms)
  • [X-engines] Improved MAUI video rendering speed
  • [X-engines] Resolved MAUI media playback issues (decoding) in MAUI Android
  • [X-engines] Resolved an issue with the H264 webcam sources (sometimes not connected)
  • [X-engines] Resolved an issue with audio stream playback in the Live VideoCompositor engine


  • [X-engines] [API breaking change] DeviceEnumerator can now be used only by using DeviceEnumerator.Shared property. It is required to have one enumerator per app. DeviceEnumerator objects used by API have been removed
  • [X-engines] [API breaking change] Android Activity is not required anymore to create SDK engines
  • [X-engines] [API breaking change] X-engines require additional initialization and de-initialization steps. To initialize SDK, use the VisioForge.Core.VisioForgeX.InitSDK() call. To de-initialize SDK, use the VisioForge.Core.VisioForgeX.DestroySDK() call. You need to initialize SDK before any SDK class usage and de-initialize SDK before the application exits.
  • [Windows] Improved MAUI video rendering performance in Windows
  • [Windows] Added a mouse highlight for screen capture sources
  • [Windows] Resolved a CallbackOnCollectedDelegate call issue with the BasicWindow class
  • [Avalonia] Resolved an issue with Avalonia VideoView resize
  • [X-engines] Added the StartPosition and StopPosition properties to UniversalSourceSettings. You can use these properties to set the start and stop positions for the file source.
  • Resolved the issue with passwords with special characters used for RTSP sources
  • Resolved the rare video flip issue with the Virtual Camera SDK engine
  • The VisioForge MJPEG Decoder filter was removed from the SDK's NuGet packages. You can optionally add it to your project by file copying or COM registration deployment.
  • [X-engines] Fixed memory leak in the OverlayManager
  • VideoCaptureCoreX: WASAPI and WASAPI2 audio sources can be used now with the VideoCaptureCoreX engine
  • [X-engines] DeviceEnumerator got events to notify about devices added/removed: OnVideoSourceAdded, OnVideoSourceRemoved, OnAudioSourceAdded, OnAudioSourceRemoved, OnAudioSinkAdded, OnAudioSinkRemoved
  • [X-engines] Added custom error handler support for MediaBlocks, VideoCaptureCoreX, and MediaPlayerCoreX engines. Use the IMediaBlocksPipelineCustomErrorHandler interface and the SetCustomErrorHandler method to set a custom error handler.
  • VideoCaptureCoreX: Resolved issue with incorrect device index error for KS video sources (Windows)
  • VideoCaptureCore: Added Virtual_Camera_Output_AlternativeAudioFilterName property to set a custom audio filter for the Virtual Camera SDK output
  • VideoCaptureCoreX: Added NDI streaming support and sample app.
  • [X-engines] Updated device enumerator. Removed unwanted firewall dialog when listing NDI sources.
  • [X-engines] Fixed an issue with the video mixer when adding/removing video sources.
  • Resolved an issue with the Tempo audio effect.


  • [ALL] .Net 8 support
  • VideoCaptureCore: Fixed problem with the OnNetworkSourceDisconnect event being called twice.
  • [X-engines] Added the MPEG-2 video encoder.
  • [X-engines] Added the MP2 audio encoder.
  • [X-engines] Resolved Decklink enumeration issues.
  • [X-engines] Default VP8/VP9 settings changed to live recording.
  • [X-engines] Added DNxHD video encoder support.
  • VideoCaptureCoreX: Fixed problem with audio source format setting (regression).
  • VideoCaptureCoreX: We resolved the WPF native rendering issue with a pop-up window.
  • [All] Avalonia 11.0.5 support.
  • VideoCaptureCoreX: Resolved licensing issues.
  • VideoCaptureCore: Start/StartAsync method will return false if the video capture device is already used by another application.
  • [All] Updated VLC source (libVLC 3.0.19).
  • [All] Updated FFMPEG sources and encoders. Resolved issue with missed MSVC dependencies.
  • Updated ONVIF engine.
  • [Cross-platform SDKs] Updated Decklink source. Resolved the issue with the incorrect device name.
  • [All] SkiaSharp security updates.
  • [Cross-platform SDKs] Updated Overlay Manager. Added OverlayManagerDateTime class to draw current date time and custom text.
  • [Cross-platform SDKs] Updated OverlayManagerImage. Resolved issue with System.Drawing.Bitmap usage.
  • VideoCaptureCore: Resolved rare crash issue with WinUI VideoView
  • VideoCaptureCore: Updated FFMPEG.exe output. Improved support of x264 and x265 encoders of custom FFMPEG builds.


  • VideoCaptureCore: Improved video crop performance on modern CPUs
  • VideoCaptureCore, MediaPlayerCore, VideoEditCore: Added the static CreateAsync method that can be used instead of the constructor to create engines without UI lag.
  • VideoCaptureCore: Resolved issues with video crop.
  • VideoCaptureCoreX: Added video overlays API. The Overlay Manager Demo shows how to use it.
  • Improved HW encoder detection. If you have several GPUs sometimes only major GPU can be used for video encoding.
  • [Cross-platform SDKs] Updated Avalonia VideoView. Resolved issue with VideoView recreation.
  • VideoCaptureCore: Network_Streaming_WMV_Maximum_Clients property moved to WMVOutput class. You can set the maximum number of clients for network WMV output.
  • Updated WPF rendering. Improved performance for 4K and 8K videos.
  • VideoCaptureCoreX: Resolved issue with multiple outputs used.
  • VideoCaptureCoreX: Resolved issue with OnAudioFrameBuffer event.
  • Decklink source changed to improve startup speed. The Decklink_CaptureDevices method has been replaced by async Decklink_CaptureDevicesAsync.
  • [Cross-platform SDKs] Updated device enumerator
  • Resolved issue with VU meter in cross-platform engine
  • [Cross-platform SDKs] Resolved issue with VU Meter (event not fired)
  • Added IAsyncDisposable interface support for cross-platform core classes. It should be used to dispose of the core objects in async methods.
  • Added madVR support for multiscreen
  • Resolved NDI enumerating issue in the VideoCaptureCore engine
  • Added madVR Demo
  • Resolved madVR issues in all SDKs
  • Added NDI support for cross-platform engine
  • Resolve the "image not found" issue with the WinUI NuGet package
  • Improved madVR support
  • WinUI VideoView updated to fix issues during audio file playback
  • Improved VNC source support for the VideoCaptureCoreX engine.
  • Added VNC source support for the VideoCaptureCoreX engine. You can use VNCSourceSettings class to configure Video_Source.
  • Video_Resize property has been changed to IVideoResizeSettings type. You can use the VideoResizeSettings class to perform classic resize the same as before or use MaxineUpscaleSettings/MaxineSuperResSettings to perform AI resizing on Nvidia GPU using Nvidia Maxine SDK (SDK or SDK models are required to deploy).
  • Resolved issues with NDI source detection in the local network
  • Added KLVParser class to read and decode data from KLV binary files.
  • Added KLVFileSink block. You can export KLV data from MPEG-TS files.
  • Added MJPEG network streamer.
  • Added WASAPI 2 support.
  • Updated Avalonia VideoView control. Resolved issues with video playback on Windows on HighDPI displays.
  • Added CustomVideoFrameRate property to MFOutput. You can set a custom frame rate if your source provides an incorrect frame rate (IP camera, for example).
  • Updated NVENC encoder. Resolved issue with high-definition video capture.
  • Resolved issue with TV Tuning on Avermedia devices
  • [CV] Resolved the issue with wrong face coordinates.
  • Resolved NDI SDK detection issues.
  • Added Save/Load methods for output format to serialize into JSON.
  • Resolved MP4 HW QSV H264 regression.
  • WinForms and WPF VideoView stability updates.
  • Telemetry update
  • SDKs updated to use the ObservableCollection instead of List in public API.
  • Updated MP4 HW output. Improved NVENC performance.
  • Updated scrolling text logo. Added the Preload method to render a text overlay before playback.
  • Updated scrolling text logo (performance)
  • Resolved crash with a text logo with a custom resolution
  • Added the OnMJPEGLowLatencyRAWFrame event that fired when the MJPEG low latency engine received a RAW frame from a camera.
  • Resolved the DeinterlaceBlend video effect crash
  • Used 3rd-party libraries moved to VisioForge.Libs.External assembly/NuGet
  • Added Nvidia Maxine Video Effects SDK (BETA) and sample app for Media Player SDK .Net and Video Capture SDK .Net
  • Added Decklink_Input_GetVideoFramesCount/Decklink_Input_GetVideoFramesCountAsync API to get total and dropped frames for the Decklink source
  • VisioForge HW encoders update


  • .Net 7 support
  • Added NetworkDisconnect event support to MJPEG Low Latency IP camera engine
  • Added OnRTSPLowLatencyRAWFrame event to get RAW frames from RTSP stream, using RTSP Low Latency engine
  • System.Drawing.Rectangle and System.Drawing.Size types are replaced by VisioForge.Types.Rectangle and VisioForge.Types.Size in all crossplatform APIs
  • MAUI samples (BETA) are added
  • Improved compatibility with Snap Camera for MP4 HW encoding
  • Online licensing updated
  • Added Camera Light demo
  • Resolved issues with the "rtsp_source_create_audio_resampler" call in the RTSP Low Latency engine in Video Capture SDK .Net (Windows-only engine)
  • Added support for multiple Decklink outputs in Video Capture SDK .Net and Video Edit SDK .Net (Windows-only engine)
  • ONVIFControl and other ONVIF-related APIs are available for all platforms
  • API breaking change: the frame rate changed from double to VideoFrameRate in all APIs
  • Added GPU HW decoding for VLC engine
  • Resolved issue with WPF HighDPI apps that use EVR


  • Updated HighDPI support in WinForms samples
  • Resolved an issue with HighDPI support for the Direct2D video renderer
  • Added additional API to ONVIFControl class: GetDeviceCapabilities, GetMediaEndpoints
  • Resolved forced reencoding issue with FFMPEG files joining without reencoding
  • Sentry update
  • Added video interpolation settings for Zoom and Pan video effects
  • Added GtkSharp UI framework support for video rendering
  • FastEdit API has been changed to async
  • Resolved screen flip issue with Video_Effects_AllowMultipleStreams property of Video Capture SDK .Net core
  • Updated RTSP MultiView demo (added GPU decoding, added RAW stream access)
  • Avalonia VideoView downgraded to 0.10.12 because of Avalonia UI problems with NativeControl


  • NDI SDK v5 support
  • Resolved an issue with MKV Legacy output (wrong cast exception).
  • Zoom and pan effects performance optimizations
  • Added basic Media Blocks API (WIP)
  • Added Rotate property to WPF VideoView. You can rotate the video by 90, 180, or 270 degrees. Also, you can use the GetImageLayer() method to get the Image layer and apply custom transforms
  • API change - FilterHelpers renamed to FilterDialogHelper
  • VisioForge.Types and VisioForge.MediaFramework assemblies merged into VisioForge.Core
  • UI classes moved to VisioForge.Core.UI.* assemblies and independent NuGet packages
  • VisioForge.Types renamed to VisioForge.Core.Types
  • VisioForge.Core no longer depends on the Windows Forms framework


  • Added HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment properties to the text and image logos
  • Updated ONVIF support, resolved an issue with username and password specified in URL but not specified in source settings
  • Resolved an issue with the FFMPEG.exe output dialog
  • Resolved an issue with the separate capture in a service applications
  • SDK migrated to System.Text.Json from NewtonsoftJson
  • Updated DirectCapture output for IP cameras
  • Video processing performance optimizations
  • IPCameraSourceSettings.URL property type changed from string to "System.Uri"
  • Added DirectCapture ASF output for IP cameras


  • Disabled Sentry debug messages in the console
  • Added Icecast streaming
  • VideoStreamInfo.FrameRate property type changed to VideoFrameRate (with numerator and denominator) from double
  • Updated WPF VideoView, resolved the issue for IP camera stream playback
  • API breaking change: VisioForge.Controls, VisioForge.Controls.UI, VisioForge.Controls.UI.Dialogs, and VisioForge.Tools merged inside VisioForge.Core
  • Audio effect API now uses string name instead of index


  • Added StatusOverlay property for VideoCapture class. Assign TextStatusOverlay object to this property to add text status overlay, for example, to show "Connecting..." text during IP camera connecting.
  • RTSP Live555 IP camera engine has been removed. Please use RTSP Low Latency or FFMPEG engines.
  • Resolved SDK_Version possible issue.
  • Added Settings_Load API. You can load the settings file saved by Settings_JSON. Be sure that device names are correct.
  • Resolved issue with an exception if separate capture started before Start/StartAsync method call.
  • RTP support for the VLC source engine.
  • API breaking change: SDK_State property has been removed. We do not have TRIAL and FULL SDK versions anymore.
  • API breaking change: DirectShow_Filters_Show_Dialog, DirectShow_Filters_Has_Dialog, Audio_Codec_HasDialog, Audio_Codec_ShowDialog, Video_Codec_HasDialog, Video_Codec_ShowDialog, Filter_Supported_LAV, Filter_Exists_MatroskaMuxer, Filter_Exists_OGGMuxer, Filter_Exists_VorbisEncoder, Filter_Supported_EVR, Filter_Supported_VMR9 and Filter_Supported_NVENC has been moved to VisioForge.Tools.FilterHelpers class.
  • VFAudioStreamInfo/VFVideoStreamInfo duration type changed to Timespan.
  • Decklink types from VisioForge.Types assembly moved to VisioForge.Types.Decklink namespace.
  • Telemetry updated.
  • Custom redist loader updated.
  • NDI update.
  • API breaking change: Status property changes to State, type is PlaybackState in all SDKs.
  • API breaking change: UI controls split into Core (VideoCaptureCore, MediaPlayerCore, VideoEditCore) and VideoView.
  • API breaking change: Video_CaptureDevice... properties merged into Video_CaptureDevice property of VideoCaptureSource type.
  • API breaking change: Audio_CaptureDevice... properties merged into Audio_CaptureDevice property of AudioCaptureSource type.
  • Updated FFMPEG source
  • API breaking change: Video Capture SDK types moved from VisioForge.Types namespace to VisioForge.Types.VideoCapture
  • API breaking change: Output types moved from VisioForge.Types namespace to VisioForge.Types.Output
  • API breaking change: Video Effects types moved from VisioForge.Types namespace to VisioForge.Types.VideoEffects
  • API breaking change: Audio Effects types moved from VisioForge.Types namespace to VisioForge.Types.AudioEffects
  • API breaking change: Event types moved from VisioForge.Types namespace to VisioForge.Types.Events
  • Added Video_Renderer_SetCustomWindowHandle method to set custom video renderer by Win32 window/control HWND handle


  • Windows 11 support
  • Telemetry update
  • Resolved issues with PictureinPicture in 2x2 mode
  • Resolved issues with MJPEG Low Latency source in .Net 5/.Net 6/.Net Core 3.1
  • Resolved issue with UDP network streaming for Decklink source
  • VFMP4v11Output renamed to VFMP4HWOutput
  • Added Microsoft H265 encoder support
  • Added Intel QuickSync H265 encoder support
  • Added OnDecklinkInputDisconnected/OnDecklinkInputReconnected events
  • Updated Decklink output
  • Resolved issues with Separate capture for MP4 HW, MOV, MPEG*TS, and MKVv2 outputs
  • Added Video_CaptureDevice_CustomPinName property. You can use this property to set a custom output pin name for a video capture device with several output video pins
  • Custom redist configuration updated
  • Updated IP camera RTSP Low Latency engine


  • An issue with Video Resize filter creation for NuGet redists has been resolved
  • Telemetry update
  • Updated VFDirectCaptureMP4Output output
  • .Net 6 (preview) support
  • Nvidia CUDA removed. NVENC is a modern alternative and is available for H264/HEVC encoding.
  • IP camera MJPEG Low Latency engine has been updated
  • The NDI source listing has been updated
  • Improved ONVIF support
  • Added .Net Core 3.1 support for RTSP Low Latency source engine
  • Resolved issues with Picture-in-Picture for 2x2 mode
  • Split project and solutions by independent files for .Net Framework 4.7.2, .Net Core 3.1, .Net 5 and .Net 6


  • An issue with audio stream capture with enabled Virtual Camera SDK output was resolved
  • VFMP4v8v10Output was replaced with VFMP4Output
  • The "CanStart" method was added for Video_CaptureDevicesInfo items. The method returns true if the device can start and is not used exclusively in another app
  • Added async/await API to the ONVIFControl
  • An issue with wrong ColorKey processing in the Text Overlay video effect was resolved
  • Added forced frame rate support for the RTSP Low Latency IP camera source
  • MP4v11 AMD encoders were updated
  • The timestamp issue that happened during the MP4v11 separate capture pause/resume was resolved
  • FFMPEG.exe network streaming update
  • FFMPEG output was updated to the latest FFMPEG version
  • VC++ redist is no longer required to be installed. VC++ linking changed to static (except optional XIPH output)
  • Many base DirectShow filters moved to the VisioForge_BaseFilters module


  • Added WPF VideoView control. You can push video frames from the OnVideoFrameBuffer event to control to render them
  • Correct default transparency value for a text logo
  • ONVIF support added to .Net 5/.Net Core 3.1 builds
  • Added IP_Camera_ONVIF_ListSourcesAsync method to discover ONVIF cameras in the local network
  • (BREAKING API CHANGE) Changed video capture device API for frame rates enumerating to support modern 4K cameras
  • Updated MJPEG Decoder (improved performance)
  • Removed MP4 v8 legacy encoders
  • INotifyPropertyChanged support in WinForms/WPF wrappers to provide MVVM application support
  • Resolved issue with RTMPS streaming to  Facebook
  • IP camera source added to the TimeShift demo
  • Added separate output support for MOV
  • Added the "faststart" FFMPEG flag for MP4v11 output that used FFMPEG MP4 muxer
  • Added GPU decoding for the IP Camera source in demo applications
  • Added CustomRedist_DisableDialog property to disable the redist message dialog
  • Removed Kinect assemblies and demos. Please contact us if you still need Kinect packages
  • MP4v10 default profile has been changed to Baseline / 5.0 for better browser compatibility


  • .Net 5.0 support
  • Resolved issue with not visible Decklink sources in NuGet SDK version
  • Resolved issue with device added/removed notifier
  • Added alternative NDI source
  • Added NDI streaming (server)
  • Resolved Separate Capture usage issue for NuGet deployment
  • Resolved issue with merged text/image logos
  • Updated device notifier
  • Added CameraPowerLineControl class to control webcam power line frequency option
  • Legacy audio effects have been removed.
  • Removed HTTP_FFMPEG, RTSP_UDP_FFMPEG, RTSP_TCP_FFMPEG and RTSP_HTTP_FFMPEG from VFIPSource enumeration. You can use the Auto_FFMPEG value
  • Updated HLS server. Correct error reporting about used port
  • Added IP_Camera_CheckAvailable method
  • Updated FFMPEG Source filter, more supported codecs, and added GPU decoding


  • Migrated to .Net 4.6
  • Added Debug_DisableMessageDialogs property to disable error dialog if OnError event is not implemented.
  • Fixed issue with resizing on pause for WPF controls.
  • Updated ONVIF engine
  • Updated What You Hear source
  • Added OnPause/OnResume events
  • Improved support of webcams with integrated H264 encoder
  • Updated VLC source
  • Removed unwanted warning in MP4 v11 output
  • One installer for TRIAL and FULL versions
  • Same NuGet packages for TRIAL and FULL versions
  • .Net Core NuGet packaged merged with .Net Framework package
  • Added NuGet redists. Deployment never was so simple!


  • Async/await API for all SDKs
  • Breaking API change: All time-related API now uses TimeSpan instead of long (milliseconds)
  • Tag reader/writer - correct logo loading for some video formats
  • Removed legacy DirectX 9 video effects
  • Improved .Net Core compatibility
  • NewTek NDI devices support added as a new engine for IP cameras
  • Added Video_Effects_MergeImageLogos and Video_Effects_MergeTextLogos properties. If you have 3 or more logos you can set these properties to true to optimize video effects' performance
  • Added playlist type option for HLS network streaming
  • Added integrated lightweight HTTP server for HLS network streaming
  • Improved DirectX 11 video processing
  • Added MPEG-TS AAC-only no video support for MPEG-TS output
  • Improved What You Hear audio source
  • Several new demo applications
  • Improved MP4 v11 output
  • Separate capture for MP4 v11 can split files without frame lose
  • Many minor bugfixes
  • .Net Core assemblies updated to .Net Core 3.1 LTS
  • Updated demos repository on GitHub


  • Alternative OSD implementation to handle Windows 10 changes
  • Updated GPU video effects
  • Updated OSD API
  • Resolved issues with video encryption using binary keys
  • Update screen capture demos, and added window selection to capture. You can capture any window, including the window in the background
  • Mosaic effect added for Computer Vision demo
  • Added Multiple IP Cameras Demo (WPF)
  • Added custom video resize option for MP4v11 output
  • Merge module (MSM) redists added to all SDKs
  • Updated FFMPEG.exe output using pipes instead of virtual devices
  • Resolved issue with PIP custom output resolution option
  • Added DirectX11-based GPU video processing


  • Resolved issue with audio renderer connection if Virtual Camera SDK output enabled
  • Updated audio fade-in/fade-out effects
  • The updated integrated JSON serializer
  • Async start
  • .Net Core 3 support


  • Updated audio enhancer
  • Updated RTSP Low Latency source
  • Resolved crop issue for Decklink source
  • Added property to use TCP or UDP in RTSP Low Latency engine
  • Deployment without COM registration and admin rights
  • Updated video mixer with improved performance
  • Added method to move OSD


  • Fixed stretch/letterbox issue in the WPF version of all SDKs
  • Fixed issue with an equalizer on sample rate 16000 or less
  • Resolved issue with wrong file name in OnSeparateCaptureStopped event
  • Improved barcode detection quality for rotated images
  • The minimal .Net Framework version is .Net 4.5 now
  • Multiple screen support in Screen Capture demo
  • Added low latency HTTP MJPEG stream playback (IP cameras or other sources)
  • Added Fake Audio Source DirectShow filter, which produces a tone signal
  • Updated Computer Vision demo
  • Added Frame_GetCurrentFromRenderer method to all SDKs. Using this method you can get the currently rendered video frame directly from the video renderer.
  • Added low latency RTSP source playback


  • Fixed bug with MP4 v11 output, custom GOP settings
  • Updated MJPEG Decoder
  • Fixed bug with MP4 v11 output, Windows 7 now fully supported
  • Main Demo update - multiscreen can automatically use connected external displays
  • Added fade-in/fade-out for text logo
  • Updated Decklink output
  • Added Computer Vision demo, with cars/pedestrian counter and face/eyes/nose/mouth detector/tracker
  • Updated MP4 output to use alternative muxer that provides constant frame rate
  • Added MPEG-TS output
  • Added MOV output


  • Improved scaling in Network Streaming and Virtual Camera filters
  • Updated MP4 output
  • Added madVR video renderer (experimental)
  • Improved Decklink Quad 2 support
  • Improved ONVIF support


  • Added MJPEG decoder filter
  • Added 4K webcam support
  • Added MP4 output using CPU, Nvidia NVENC, Intel QuickSync, and AMD Radeon encoders using Media Foundation API


  • Updated logging
  • Object_Detection property renamed to Motion_DetectionEx, with updated parameters
  • Added IP cameras database to demo apps
  • Added ONVIF camera support (including PTZ control and profile selection)
  • Added I420 video format support
  • Added chroma-key for video mixing, to mix chroma-key and background video streams
  • Added SDK demo code to GitHub and SDK packages to NuGet
  • Updated video effects filter to support odd width and height
  • Updated URL availability check for IP cameras
  • Resolved issue with separate capture, split by size


  • SDKs now have AnyCPU only. To get the x86 app set the "Prefer 32-bit" option in your project settings
  • Added ASIO source device support
  • Added GPU-based video effects. You can set a custom DirectX pixel shader to get your video effect
  • Added Timeshift support to Video Capture SDK
  • Added OnNetworkSourceDisconnect event to Video Capture SDK. The event fired if the IP camera disconnected from the source
  • Updated MKV output
  • Added Zoom option to multiscreen
  • Added Microsoft Kinect 2 support
  • Added sharpen effect
  • OnDeviceLost event in Video Capture SDK replaced by OnDeviceRemoved event, OnDeviceAdded event added
  • Added TimeStamp video effect (based on TextLogo effect)
  • Added Mode property to Text Logo class. Now you can draw text, current date/time, frame timestamp, or number
  • Audio_OutputDevice property can be set to "NULL" (string) to have an audio sample grabber and VU*meter with disabled rendering to the real audio output device
  • Filter_Exists_Matroska_Muxer method renamed to Filter_Supported_Matroska_Muxer
  • Added deinterlace support for EVR
  • Added Video Capture and TV Tuning console demos


  • Added IKSProperty set interface support for video capture devices
  • Added custom Logitech interface for webcams to turn on/off LED, control face tracking, etc.
  • Updated LAME encoder, resolved an issue with low bitrates for mono audio
  • Updated encryption engine (bugfix)
  • Added FFMPEG.exe x265 custom preset support
  • Added Push Source engine (BETA)
  • YUV2RGB filter now supports HDYC format
  • Added installer for Visual Studio Toolbox
  • Added latest Decklink drivers support
  • Made file size optimization for Virtual Camera and Network Streaming filters
  • Added IIS Smooth Streaming using FFMPEG.exe
  • Added Nvidia NVENC H264 encoder for MP4 output, to encode video much faster if you have Nvidia GPU
  • Removed Nvidia CUDA encoder from demo apps (not from SDK), replaced by NVENC
  • Added x64 VLC source for Media Player SDK and Video Capture SDK
  • Updated channel order audio effect
  • Updated audio mixer
  • Added audio channel mapper filter. You can set a custom channel amount and map any source channel to any output channel
  • Updated What You Hear filter
  • Added latency settings for VLC engine in Video Capture SDK
  • Added "disabled" parameter to PIP_Sources_SetSourceSettings to disable selected stream
  • Added PIP_Sources_SetSourceOrder method to specify video stream rendering order
  • Added Audio_PCM_Converter property to Video Capture SDK. You can set a custom sample rate, channel count, and BPS before audio processing


  • Fixed several issues with a separate capture
  • The updated media information reader
  • MediaInfoNV renamed to MediaInfoReader
  • Improved logging
  • Added Video_CaptureDevice_UseClosedCaptions option to Video Capture SDK object, to enable/disable CC decoding
  • Updated Video Player demo
  • Fixed issue with Pan effect in x64 build
  • Fixed issue with Blur effect
  • Fixed CUDA encoder memory leak
  • Fixed FFMPEG source memory leak
  • Added standard tags support for video and audio files, including MP4, WMV, MP3, AAC, M4A, Ogg Vorbis, and other formats. Media Player SDK can read tags, Video Capture SDK and Video Edit SDK can write tags
  • Separate capture API now has SeparateCapture_Filename_Mask property to configure file name that will be used for auto split by duration or size
  • Added delayed start in all SDKs. This feature can be used to start multiple SDK controls almost at the same time. Check Start_DelayEnabled description
  • Audio effects are now written on C# and can be used in x64 applications. Old effects usage is saved as "legacy" if you have some issues with new filters or API
  • Improved Blackmagic devices support (please use the latest drivers)
  • Improved information reading for some Speex files
  • Error tracking has been added to the Visual Studio Output window, you'll see all errors that come from the OnError event (but without diagnostic information)
  • Video Capture SDK .Net SeparateCapture_Start method issue fixed, now output file name parameter will be used instead Output_Filename property
  • Added Video_CaptureDevice_UseRAWSampleGrabber property in Video Capture SDK .Net, you can get RAW video stream using OnVideoFrameBufferRAW event
  • Added settings serialization to JSON format
  • GIF output in Video Edit SDK .Net / Video Capture SDK .Net
  • Custom video effects 3rd-party filters can be added by CLSID now, before or after the main effects filter/sample grabber
  • Independent video effects for preview and output
  • Added MP3 splitter to resolve issues with some MP3 files, that can't be playable using the default splitter
  • VisioForge.Controls.WinForms and VisioForge.Controls.WPF assemblies are now replaced by VisioForge.Controls.UI
  • Updated MP4 output, with resolved AV sync issue and improved latest Intel CPU support
  • Added ExecutableFilename property of VFFFMPEGEXEOutput to set custom FFMPEG.exe filename
  • Updated VLC source filter (libVLC, improved RTMP and HTTPS support, resolved memory leak issue
  • Video effects seriously optimized for the latest Intel CPUs


  • Updated VLC engine (libVLC
  • Updated the MediaInformationReader class
  • Updated FFMPEG engine


  • Resolved WebM flipped video issue
  • Added video renderer video processing API to VMR-9 and EVR video renderers
  • Video_Renderer_Stretch property changed to Video_Renderer_StretchMode, in WPF new mode available
  • Added Video Encryption SDK v9 support, file or binary data can be used as a key, AES-256 strong encryption available
  • Added Audio_CaptureDevice_Path property to set used audio capture device using DirectShow device path
  • Updated FFMPEG.exe network streamer
  • Updated and improved MP4 output
  • Added M4A (AAC) output


  • Added resolution check for H264
  • Updated Intel QuickSync support for the H264 encoder
  • Added LAV engine for IP capture
  • Added audio mixer, allows mixing main and additional audio stream into one
  • Added RTSP source for IP capture based on live555 engine
  • Added Desktop Duplication API usage in Windows 8 for a faster screen capture
  • Added custom source from DirectShow filters support
  • Added animated GIF support as image logo
  • Added audio enhancements (normalization, auto gain, manual gain)
  • Added SDK_Version_SDK_State properties to see SDK assemblies used version and registration info
  • Added licensing event to check required SDK edition
  • Added all FFMPEG.exe output formats support
  • Added UDP streaming (MPEG-TS) using FFMPEG.exe
  • Added RTMP streaming using FFMPEG.exe
  • FFMPEG properties renamed to FFMPEG_DLL
  • Audio volume API has been changed, now volume in percent


  • Added video H264 CPU / Intel QuickSync decoder
  • Added video H264 Intel QuickSync encoder
  • Added audio capture from speakers
  • Added FLAC output
  • Added CaptureScreenToImage / CaptureWindowToImage API
  • Updated LAME encoder, now available for x64
  • API update - Audio_LAME properties renamed to LAME
  • Updated Ogg Vorbis encoder/decoder
  • Added Ogg Vorbis output
  • Added UYVY video format support on input
  • Added Speex output
  • Updated WebM output, with VP9 support
  • Added WebM decoders
  • Frame grabber API changes
  • Several bug fixes


  • New MP4 H264 / AAC output, worked on Windows 7 and later and has better optimization for Intel CPUs
  • New MP4 H264 CUDA / AAC output, for Nvidia cards
  • Video rotation on-the-fly video effect
  • Updated FFMPEG encoder
  • Updated FFMPEG source
  • 4K*ready video effects
  • API change - renamed properties H264_CUDA to MP4_CUDA
  • API change - video renderer-related Screen properties renamed to Video_Renderer_...
  • VMR-9/EVR Zoom shift bug fixed
  • Custom video renderer background color for all renderers
  • Direct2D video renderer with live video rotation (BETA)
  • Custom latency for audio capture device using Audio_CaptureDevice_CustomLatency property
  • A new event for IP capture, that is fired if the network stream is disconnected (OnNetworkSourceStop event, FFMPEG source IP engine only)WPF controls the background image
  • Several bug fixes


  • Updated FFMPEG encoder and decoder
  • Several bug fixes


  • Improved H264 encoder
  • Several bug fixes


  • VLC engine for IP capture
  • Several bug fixes


  • RTSP streaming
  • Several bug fixes


  • Face detection and tracking
  • Audio capture device extended options
  • Several bug fixes


  • MP4 H264 / AAC output
  • Several bug fixes


  • Video encryption support
  • Improved screen capture
  • Several bug fixes


  • Network streaming to Adobe Flash Media Server or other servers, now with audio
  • Virtual camera output audio support
  • Several bug fixes


  • Network streaming to Adobe Flash Media Server or other servers
  • Several bug fixes


  • Fade-in/fade-out video effect added
  • Still frames grabbing
  • IP camera connection check using the IP_Camera_CheckAvailable method
  • Several bug fixes


  • Virtual Camera SDK support as target and source


  • File source added to Picture-in-Picture
  • TV Tuning improved
  • Several bug fixes
  • Improved chroma key
  • Improved text logo
  • Changed video effects API


  • Barcode reader (QR Code, UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, Codabar, ITF, RSS-14, Data Matrix, Aztec, PDF-417)
  • Several bug fixes


  • Improved IP capture engine
  • Updated screen capture engine
  • MP4 H264 output using Nvidia CUDA technology
  • Updated FFMPEG output
  • Pan/zoom video effect
  • Video/audio tagging API
  • Small bug fixes


  • Improved IP capture engine
  • Updated screen capture engine
  • Small bug fixes


  • Windows 8 RTM support
  • improved video effects
  • greatly improved IP capture FFMPEG*based engine


  • Windows 8 Customer Preview support
  • improved video effects
  • multiple video streams support WMV output with a special PRX profile


  • improved Picture-in-Picture, any video source support (screen capture, IP cams added)
  • improved RTSP sources support
  • layered windows screen capture support
  • RTSP server (BETA)
  • DVB-T/DVB-S/DVB-C digital devices support
  • improved OpenCL support
  • iCube cams support
  • Windows 8 Developer Preview support
  • improved video effects
  • multiple audio streams support AVI and WMV output


  • Improved IP cameras support
  • Improved video effects
  • Minor bug fixes
  • New optimizations for Intel Core II / Atom, AMD netbook CPUs


  • All .Net SDKs are statically linked to MS VC++, and additional runtime installation that sometimes causes problems is no longer required
  • Improved IP cameras support
  • Improved video effects
  • New optimizations for Intel Core i7 CPUs


  • OpenCL accelerated video effects (using GPU instead of CPU)
  • Some bug fixes


  • RTSP IP cams support
  • Output filename changing on-the-fly
  • Some bug fixes


  • HDV MPEG-2 camcorders support
  • Google WebM output
  • MPEG-1/2/4 and FLV output using FFMPEG
  • MPEG-4 / H264 IP cams support
  • IP cam audio support
  • MMS / Windows Media network streams support
  • Integrated AForge.Net for object detection and improved video processing
  • Video effects optimized for Intel Atom and Core i3/i5/i7 now
  • DirectCapture technology support for HDV camcorders
  • Direct processing of decoded video/audio streams