How to configure face detection?
Products: Video Capture SDK .Net
Face detection is a technology that identifies and locates human faces in digital images. It's widely used in security systems, camera software, and for analyzing facial expressions.
1. Configure your video source: webcam, IP camera, etc. Set preview or capture mode to use
2. Set face tracking settings
VideoCapture1.Face_Tracking = new FaceTrackingSettings
ColorMode = CamshiftMode.RGB,
Highlight = true,
MinimumWindowSize = 25,
ScalingMode = ObjectDetectorScalingMode.GreaterToSmaller,
SearchMode = ObjectDetectorSearchMode.Single
3. Add the OnFaceDetected event to catch faces and fill the text box with coordinates
public delegate void FaceDelegate(AFFaceDetectionEventArgs e);
public void FaceDelegateMethod(AFFaceDetectionEventArgs e)
edFaceTrackingFaces.Text = string.Empty;
foreach (var faceRectangle in e.FaceRectangles)
edFaceTrackingFaces.Text += "(" + faceRectangle.Left + ", " + faceRectangle.Top + "), ("
+ faceRectangle.Width + ", " + faceRectangle.Height + ")" + Environment.NewLine;
4. Start preview or capture, depending on step 1
async VideoCapture1.StartAsync();
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