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NDI source

Products: Video Capture SDK .Net

Engines: VideoCaptureCore, VideoCaptureCoreX

The NDI source is a network video source. It can be used to capture video from NDI cameras and NDI-enabled software.

To use NDI, you'll need to install the NDI SDK or NDI Tools.

Enumerating NDI Sources

Enumerate NDI sources and add them to the combo box.

var lst = await VideoCapture1.IP_Camera_NDI_ListSourcesAsync();
foreach (var uri in lst)

Set NDI source

// Create an IP camera source settings object
settings = new IPCameraSourceSettings
URL = new Uri("NDI source URL")

// Set the source type to NDI
settings.Type = IPSourceEngine.NDI;

// Enable or disable audio capture
settings.AudioCapture = false;

// Set login information if needed
settings.Login = "username";
settings.Password = "password";

// Set the source to the VideoCaptureCore object
VideoCapture1.IP_Camera_Source = settings;

Use the IPPreview or IPCapture mode to preview or capture video from the device.

Sample applications that use the NDI source

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