Camera control and PTZ
Products: Video Capture SDK .Net
Using Camera Control API, you can set the following camera parameters (the camera can support only some of them): Pan, Tilt, Roll, Zoom, Exposure, Iris, and Focus.
The Camera Control API
should be used with started camera preview or capture.
Sample code
On the form, we are using several checkboxes, labels, and slider control. You can check the Main Demo source code.
1. Read default values and command ranges
int max;
int defaultValue;
int min;
int step;
CameraControlFlags flags;
if (await VideoCapture1.Video_CaptureDevice_CameraControl_GetRangeAsync(
CameraControlProperty.Zoom, out min, out max, out step, out defaultValue, out flags))
// set slider range
tbCCZoom.Minimum = min;
tbCCZoom.Maximum = max;
tbCCZoom.SmallChange = step;
tbCCZoom.Value = defaultValue;
// set min, max and current values on labels
lbCCZoomMin.Text = "Min: " + Convert.ToString(min);
lbCCZoomMax.Text = "Max: " + Convert.ToString(max);
lbCCZoomCurrent.Text = "Current: " + Convert.ToString(defaultValue);
// set command checkboxes
cbCCZoomManual.Checked = (flags & CameraControlFlags.Manual) == CameraControlFlags.Manual;
cbCCZoomAuto.Checked = (flags & CameraControlFlags.Auto) == CameraControlFlags.Auto;
cbCCZoomRelative.Checked = (flags & CameraControlFlags.Relative) == CameraControlFlags.Relative;
If the Auto flag is set, all other flags and values will be ignored.
2. Apply value set on slider (Auto checkbox should be disabled to set manual value or enabled to set camera default value)
CameraControlFlags flags = CameraControlFlags.None;
if (cbCCZoomManual.Checked)
flags = flags | CameraControlFlags.Manual;
if (cbCCZoomAuto.Checked)
flags = flags | CameraControlFlags.Auto;
if (cbCCZoomRelative.Checked)
flags = flags | CameraControlFlags.Relative;
await VideoCapture1.Video_CaptureDevice_CameraControl_SetAsync(CameraControlProperty.Zoom, tbCCZoom.Value, flags);
Required redists
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